YouTube videos for learning AngularJS

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Below are some of the better YouTube videos on learning AngularJS.  I watched these myself when first learning Angular.  While it is still true that you would learn best by playing around with the code on your machine, you need to watch and look at a lot of Angular code in order to get used to it.  First because the AngularJS is known as an “opinionated framework”, meaning that you should do things the Angular way.  While you may be able to get stuff to work hacking around, you will run into resistance as your app get complex if you don’t do things the “angular way”.  And to learn the angular way, you need to watch how AngularJS is done.  Videos are the best.

Introduction to Anuglar.js in 50 Examples

These two videos by Curran Kelleher is a great start because he starts from the ground up and progresses by way of 50 examples into the more advance concepts.

Part 1
Part 2

But because Angular is so extensive, even these 50 examples are by no mean comprehensive.

Angular Tutorial: Build a Todo List

Following are 12 more Angular videos as Gordon Zhu builds the prototypical ToDo app.  He is the creator of but these are not the same videos that are on his site.  In the below videos, you don’t need anything other than a browser using jsbin.   And you can easily follow along.  In video part 10, he shows how to connect to Firebase database.  I just wish the videos are cut into longer pieces.

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12

AngularJS in 60-ish minutes

Video on YouTube

AngularJS Intro + Dependency Injection

Dependency injection is a key important feature of Angular.  Here is a video.

Tools for AngularJS

AngularJS – Handy Tricks With Developer Tools

AngularJS Testing

YouTube video on intro to AngularJS unit testing.

Building Sites with AngularJS

building a website using routes part 1 and part 2, and building a photo album in part 1, part 2, and part 3. did a good YouTube video showing how to build out a website using AngularJS and ui-router.  It uses bootstrap and goes over ng-include and a little about services.

More Advanced Angular Topics

This video show you how and where to do DOM manipulation in AngularJS; it would be in a custom directive.

This video show how two controller can communicate with each other the correct way, and another with Angular Filters.

Creator of AngularJS, Misko Hevery gives talk on Angular Best Practices.

Joe Maddalone introduces Form Validation with AngularJS.