Tutorials on Web Development, Programming, and Web Design

What is the difference between Angular Service and Factory?

In Articles

Many people new to Angular will wonder what is the difference between an Angular Service and an Angular Factory, and when to use which.  They look the same, they seem to work the same....

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AngularJS Posting Login Form

In Tutorials

In this example, we are going to create a Bootstrap login form and have AngularJS perform an POST on this form to a backend PHP page to see if the username and password is correct. 1. We first...

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Simple Example of ng-view in AngularJS

In Tutorials

When you are first trying to learn ng-view in AngularJS, you find a lot of examples on the web.  But they all look too complex.  That is because ng-view and AngularJS routes work together and they...

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Using AngularJS $sce trustAsHtml to display raw HTML to page

In Tutorials

If you need to display raw HTML content to the page view with AngularJS, you can use the $sce service that comes with AngularJS.  $sce stands for Strict Contextual Escaping.  The service has...

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Displaying content to page using AngularJS

In Tutorials

To display simple text content to a web page using AngularJS, you use the double curly braces {{ }} to bind AngualrJS expression to elements in the HTML. But first, we do the normal AngularJS...

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Using AngularJS ng-click and ng-class

In Tutorials

Continuing from the previous tutorial, we now add a “mark done” button next to each of our list items. 1. This was implemented by adding the button element in our HTML … Note that...

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AngularJS ng-model should have a dot

In Tutorials

In our previous tutorial, we have … See that ng-model=”itemToAdd” does not have a dot in it. The AngularJS way is to have a dot somewhere in the value of the ng-model as in...

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Why ng-model value should contain a dot

In Tutorials

Take our previous tutorial here, which works perfect fine like this shown here… but is not best practice because ng-model value does not contain a dot.  The code looks like this … While...

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YouTube videos for learning AngularJS

In Resources Videos

Below are some of the better YouTube videos on learning AngularJS.  I watched these myself when first learning Angular.  While it is still true that you would learn best by playing around with the...

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