Tutorials on Web Development, Programming, and Web Design

In Python what is the difference between an iterable and an iterator?

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An iterable (like a list, tuple, dictionary) are objects that returns an Iterator if you call iter() on it. That means that an iterable must implement the __iter__ method. An iterator returns data...

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Tutorial Python Classes

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Here is Python class named “Person” (by convention usually CamelCase starting with uppercase) and created an instance of that class called “john” … In line 2, you have...

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Tutorial Reading JSON in Python

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Previously we done API fetching for PHP, now in this tutorial we will be reading JSON data in Python connecting to … https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/ to retrieve some dummy data...

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Tutorial Python Debugging with pdb

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You temporarily insert this debugging statement, which stops Python execution at that point and turns on “python debugger” (pdb) … Now when you execute the program you can interact...

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Tutorial Python Lambda

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The way you spell “lambda” is to remember to spell the animal “lamb” first. Lambda are just anonymous functions that are used once in-line — like Javascript anonymous...

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Pyton 3 Quick Notes

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Not backwards-compatible with Python 2. Dynamic typing. Variables are by convention lowercase and snake_case instead of camelCase. It makes sense for Phython to be snake_case (Ha Ha). No hyphens in...

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What is the difference between react-router and react-router-dom?

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In short, if you are building a web app in React and you want to use React Router, just install “react-router-dom”. If you are building React Native, install...

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Server and Client side example of WebSockets using Node

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In this example, we will implement WebSockets in Node server side first. And then we will create client-side HTML page to connect to that WebSocket via Javascript so that we can get a two-way...

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Generating Fake Data in json-server

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Continuing from previous tutorials here and here, we first install the npm modules faker and lodash to generate fake data. Then add new file “generator.js” which is a module.exports of a...

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