Tutorials on Web Development, Programming, and Web Design

How to Contact PayPal by Phone

In Articles

If you are an online merchant who uses the Paypal payment processor, or even if you are an eBay merchant, there may be times when you want to talk to a Paypal representatives (whether it be billing...

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How to Set Your Business Name in PayPal

In Tutorials

When a user clicks on your “Buy Now” or a “Donate” button on your site, they will be redirected to a PayPal hosted page in which they can pay with PayPal or input their credit card...

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Setting Up Tax Rules in PayPal Profile

In Tutorials

As an online merchant, you should consult with your tax adviser as to how to charge tax to customers. Author and website are not tax advisers and are not be liable for correctness of content. The...

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How to Set Up a PayPal Buy Now Button

In Tutorials

A “Buy Now” button is a button that you can place on your website where if the user clicks on it, the user will be directed to a PayPal hosted page where the user can submit their payment via...

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