How to Make a Link Into a CSS Button

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In this tutorial, we will show you how to make a link into a CSS button.  Here we have a basic web page with a boring link that says “Click Me” …

basic link

basic link

We style the link with CSS to make it look like this …

text-shadow on the text

text-shadow on the text

The effects have been exaggerated a bit for the tutorial so that you can see better.  But you might want to tweak and tone down the value a bit in your real application.

You can see full code in the live demo when you right click and “View Source” in your browser.

And in the course of the tutorial, we will learn about box-shadow, text-shadow, linear-gradient, border-radius, and more.

Basic CSS Button

The HTML we start with looks like this with a basic link …

link on page

link in HTML page

1. First we add a class style to our link element so that we can start to style it …

add class to element

add class to element

We called our style “btnLink”, an arbitrary class name that we came up with.  Come up with your own.

2.  For the purpose of this tutorial, we will add a CSS style block with the CSS rule in the HEAD section of the HTML.  In production code, you would add it to the referenced external CSS file instead.

add css style block

add css style block

In the style block, we didn’t put any attribute.  If no attribute, then ‘text/css’ is assumed.

3.  For our first CSS rule, we set …

display: inline-block;

An <a> link element by default has “inline” as display property.  “inline” typically flows with the document and doesn’t have good “shape”.  Display of “block”, on the other hand, takes up space.  But it takes up too much space in that it takes the full width of its parent container.  We use something in between such as “inline-block”.

4. By adding this property, it actually didn’t affect how the link renders on our page.  It looks the same.  Until we add some padding and border to our link like this …

add padding and border

add padding and border

We gave 5 pixels to the top and bottom padding.  And gave a single pixel solid border of color #006699 (a darkish blue color).

And now our button looks like this it has some shape…

button with shape

button with shape

5.  Let’s give it a background color to our button.

add background-color

add background-color

We make the background color “#0097DF” to be slightly lighter than our border color of #006699.  So it looks like this …

button with background color

button with background color

6.  Doesn’t look too good because there is not enough contrast between the default text color and the background color.  Let’s make the text color white …

text color white

text color white

And so we get better contrast …

better contrast

better contrast

7.  But let’s get rid of the underline text.  The text of a button usually don’t have underlines.  We do this by setting text-decoration to none …

text-decoration none

text-decoration none

8.  And we now have a button …

we have a button

we have a button

Styling Options for Our Button

9.  Maybe you don’t like the font of the button.  No problem.  Just add whatever font you like …

change font

change font

10.  And you can increase the size too.  But then you need to make the padding more in proportion…

increase padding

increase padding

And you get a bigger look …

font changed

font changed

Adding Hover Effect on CSS Button

11.  When user hovers over the button, we want a slight color change like this …

button when hovered

button when hovered

We use the hover pseudo class to make that effect…

hover pseudo class

hover pseudo class

Adding Fancy Styles to Our CSS Button

12.  The following is optional.  You can add fancy styling to our button such as rounded corners.  We put the border-radius CSS property next to the border property (although it doesn’t really matter).

add border radius

add border radius

And so we have rounded corners, even when hovered …

rounded corners

rounded corners

13.  How about adding an inset shadow …

add inset shadow

add inset shadow

See the difference…

button with shadow

button with shadow

I’ve made the shadow a bit pronounced so that you can see it in the tutorial.  But you might want to tone it down a bit and play with the box-shadow values.  The values in order are horizontal shift, vertical shift, blur, spread, the color of the shadow, and the inset attribute.  The spread is like the size of the shadow.  The blur is how soft it is.  Black color is RGB 0,0,0.  So rgba(0,0,0,.2) is black at 20% opacity.  Shadows are not solid colors.  They look better at a low opacity value like 20%.

Note that box-shadow is not supported in Internet Explorer 8.  You can still put in the CSS property.  Shadow just won’t show up in IE8.

14.  You can also add a linear gradient (which will not show up in Internet Explorer 9 or below)…

linear gradient

linear gradient

Color #444444 is a dark gray and #999999 is a light gray.  We go from dark gray (the first color) to light gray (the second color parameter) from top to bottom.  The older webkit browsers uses the “top” attribute to indicate this; while more modern browser uses the “to bottom” attribute.  We put the -webkit- browser rule first.  We put the standard “linear-gradient” property after that as override for browsers that understands it.   If you forget, you can get this syntax from

In the .btnLink:hover we simply switch the color order to switch the gradient direction as the button is hovered.  The non-hovered button looks like this …

button with linear gradient

button with linear gradient

15.  The gray gradient doesn’t do it for me.  So I made the first color a slightly darker blue than the background color.  And make the second color a slightly lighter blue than background color …

tweak the gradient colors

tweak the gradient colors

To get a better gradient like this …

better color gradient

better color gradient

16.  Adding an external box shadow …

external box shadow

external box shadow

Note that this is not an inset box shadow (which is the inner shadow we placed earlier).  This is a shadow outside the box.  It looks like this …

button with external box shadow

button with external box shadow

In fact, our second box-shadow property overrides our first inset box shadow.  You mind as well take out that inset box shadow rule as it is having no effect.   But since we got our linear gradient, we don’t need the inset box shadow anyways.  But if you wanted both box-shadow rules to have effect, you can do this …

both shadows

both shadows

See how we combined the two shadows into one rule.   For modern browsers, they will render both shadows.

17.  box-shadow is different from text-shadow.  We add a text-shadow …

adding text-shadow

adding text-shadow

Like the box-shadow, the first two values of text-shadow are the horizontal and vertical shifts, respectively.  The third parameter is the blur as usual.  But text-shadow has no spread.  And it doesn’t have inset either.

I’ve exaggerated the values a bit so that you can see what the text-shadow on the “Click Me” text looks like …

text-shadow on the text

text-shadow on the text

Text-shadows are not rendered in Internet Explorer 8 and 9.

Difference between inline-block and inline

Many people ask what is the different between block and inline-block.  To see, we take out the display: inline-block from our CSS (which the link then defaults to display:inline) and it renders like this …

without inline-block

without inline-block

If you put “display: block”, then it renders like this …

display block

display block

So that is why “display:inline-block” is most suitable for button links.

Why not use a button element?

You can.  But a button typically belong with a form and does not have an href attribute for you to link things to.  A plain button element such as this …

change to button

change to button

will render like this by the browser by default …

default button in chrome

default button in chrome

By adding the class and styling it …

style to the button

style to the button

we make it looks the same as how we did for the link…

text-shadow on the text

text-shadow on the text

The difference is that “button” is “inline-block” by default.  So you can forgo the line “display:inline-block” that we needed fro the link.