Comparison with React vs Angular vs Vue Frameworks

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Here is yet another comparison between the top front-end web development frameworks being React, Angular, and Vue.js

Angular is a full-featured “opinionated” framework.  That means you have to do things the Angular way, which makes is more difficult and more rewrite to add into existing apps.

React and Vue are “non-opinionated” frameworks.  Technically, they are not frameworks.  But rather “libraries”.  They are easier to add into existing web apps without a heavy rewrite.  You can drop bits and pieces of them into existing app and migrate them over little at a time.

In fact Vue was designed with the intention of being “progressive” meaning you can add as little or as much of Vue to your existing app as you like.  You can even just drop a Vue script tag from a CDN and you can start writing Vue.  With this method, you don’t even need a build process.

React requires a build process that convert JSX to Javascript.  Angular requires a build process converting Typescript to Javascript.   Typically you need to learn and use Webpack for the build process.  And then have to get use to the syntax of JSX and Typescript.  For both, it helps to know ES6.

Vue has lowest barrier to entry and is the easiest to learn with the least learning curve.  You just need to know ES5 Javascript, typical HTML and CSS and you are good to go.

React has a slightly steeper learning curve.  And lastly Angular is the most difficult to learn with quite a steep learning curve.

So if you have never used any of such frameworks before.  A nice progression for learning would be to learn Vue, then React, and then Angular.

Currently Vue does not have the community traction and large company usage that React and Angular has.  The latter two has a more mature ecosystem of tools.  React also appears to be more powerful than Vue with React’s Redux.

Both Vue and React are very fast since they both use virtual DOM.

With additional tools, all three can do server-side rendering.  Angular with Angular Universal.  React with Next.js.  And Vue with Nuxt.js



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