Tutorial using named arguments in Python
In this tutorial, consider the following function that takes two arguments… Yes, you can call the function like this … greeting = greet('John', 'Doe') But a better way is to call it...
read moreDifference between for-in and for-of in Javascript
Here is a way to help remember the difference between for-in and for-of loops in Javascript. for-in is “introspective”. It gives the keys. Use for-in on objects. Use for-of for...
read moreGenerics Tutorial in Typescript
In this Generics tutorial in Typescript, consider the following logger function that takes type of “any” … No question this works. But can we do better than to use the...
read moreTutorial writing Typescript functions
Before we get into the tutorial of writing Typescript functions. First review the two ways of writing functions in Javascript… Now we add type enforcement with Typescript … Here we...
read moreTutorial Introduction to PyTest
Install PyTest with … pip install pytest Run it by … py.test You should get result saying … collected 0 items because it did not find any test in the directory. Create a Class to...
read moreTutorial writing Selenium test script in Python
Continuing from last tutorial, we now extend the test_chrome.py script to have Selenium point the Chrome browser to icanhazdadjoke.com website and search for “cat” jokes by typing...
read moreTutorial Installing Selenium on Python
Install Selenium on Python We first install Selenium Python package by this … pip install selenium Run Chrome Test We have to download “ChromeDriver Web Driver for Chrome” and copy...
read moreChrome extensions for finding xPaths to DOM elements
ChroPath Chrome Extension Below is screenshot of the ChroPath Chrome extension for xPath to the DOM element of the Google’s search button… The highlight is the relative XPath, but it...
read morepip commands
pip install: to install new Python packages pip uninstall: to uninstall them pip list: to see what packages are install pip show <package name>: to see more details of the package. pip help: give...
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