How to retrieve section and category of an article in Joomla

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In Joomla 1.5, you can query the database to retrieve the section and category of an article with code such as ….

// find section and category of this article
$sectionTitle = '';
$categoryTitle = '';
if ( $articleId != '' ) {
$query = 'SELECT s.title as sectiontitle, cat.title as cattitle FROM #__categories AS cat, #__content AS c, #__sections AS s WHERE = ' . $articleId . ' AND c.catid = AND c.sectionid =';
$db =& JFactory::getDBO();
$dbResult = $db->loadAssoc();

$sectionTitle = $dbResult['sectiontitle'];
$categoryTitle = $dbResult['cattitle'];


For example, one can use this code in a custom plugin to display the section and category of an article in the title tag …

plugin code that retreives section and category

plugin code that retreives section and category

For more detail on how to write a custom Joomla plugin, see link.