Tutorial on How to install Node JS on Windows

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Node.js at nodejs.org is a platform that is built on Google Chrome’s V8 engine.  Think of it as a platform that can run Javascript without a browser. It is meant to run on the server-side and is often called server-side Javascript.  But developers sometime run it in their local machine to use as a simple http server during development.

Here is how to install node.js on Windows.

1.  Go to the download page of nodejs.org and download the pre-built windows installer.

download node.js installer

download node.js installer

2.  You get an .msi file on your computer which you will double-click to run the Microsoft Installation Wizard.  Install all the packages and have installer add Node, npm, and modules to the Windows PATH environment variable…

installing node.js

installing node.js

3.  After installation, you might notice “node.js” installed here …

nodejs installed

nodejs installed

4. Run that and you get the node.js interactive console where you can run interactive javascript…

interactive javascript

interactive javascript

The semi-colon are actually optional when statements are run in this console.

5.  Type Ctrl-C twice to terminate the interactive javascript.  Alternatively, you can just do Ctrl-D, or type “process.exit()”.

Continue learning node.js with this getting starting tutorial.