Tutorials on Web Development, Programming, and Web Design

Installing Ruby on Rails in Windows

In Tutorials

After installing ruby on Windows by following these steps, we use gem to install Ruby on Rails (also known as RoR).  This is because Rails is a ruby gem.  You can see this gem by searching...

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Step by step tutorial on installing Ruby on Rails 4 on Windows 8

In Tutorials

It is instructive to learn to install all the pieces of Ruby on Rails step-by-step manually.  This tutorial will walk you through installing this on a development environment on Windows 8. 1....

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How to Setup Ruby on Rails on Webhost

In Tutorials

In this tutorial, we are going to set up a Ruby on Rails application on our webhost at the subdomain http://firstruby.learnwebtutorials.com    First make sure that your webhost has an Ruby on Rails...

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