Tutorials on Web Development, Programming, and Web Design

Using the fs module to list a directory in Node.js

In Articles

Here is how to use the fs module list the files (and directories) in the current directory in Node.js … var fs =...

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Example use of EventEmitter in Node.js

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Here is an example of how to use the EventEmitter object in node.js … var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter; var ee = new EventEmitter; ee.on('someevent', function()...

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How to throw an error in Node

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To throw an error in Node.js, you instantiate a new Error object and throw it … throw new Error('Something is wrong'); where ‘Something is wrong’ is your error message.  If the...

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Basic First Tutorial on using Node Package Manager (npm)

In Tutorials

After you have installed node.js, it comes with the node package manager (or more commonly known as npm). The node package manager is a package installer that keeps tracks of package dependencies and...

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Introduction Tutorial to Node.js

In Tutorials

This tutorial continues right after installing Node.js tutorial.  Since we are now in year 2019, this tutorial is a bit out-dated.  Here is a more up-to-date tutorial. 1. After installation, create...

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Tutorial on How to install Node JS on Windows

In Tutorials

Node.js at nodejs.org is a platform that is built on Google Chrome’s V8 engine.  Think of it as a platform that can run Javascript without a browser. It is meant to run on the server-side and...

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