Tutorials on Web Development, Programming, and Web Design

Removing documents from mongodb

In Tutorials

Continuing from the previous tutorial, in this tutorial, we will remove the document of “state” = “New State”...

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Tutorials on upserts in mongodb

In Tutorials

An upsert is like an update, but will do an insert if record was not found.  Continuing from our last example, we made changes to the following … Since our collection does have...

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Tutorial on updating records in MongoDB

In Tutorials

In our last tutorial, we added an new record.  Let’s update that record with a replacement where we replace the entire document.  Instead of high temperature of 100 Celsisus, our replacement...

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How to insert record into Mongodb

In Tutorials

Continuing from our last tutorial, in this tutorial we will insert a record into our firstdb database into our highlowtemp collection whose data looks like this … In app.js, we create a...

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Using Sort, Skip, and Limit in MongoDB

In Tutorials

In our last tutorial, we queried states where the high temperature was greater than 100 and less than 110.  Now we want to query all the records passing an empty object in the find() method....

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How to use greater than queries in mongodb

In Tutorials

In this tutorial, we will query mongodb for states where the high temperature is greater than 100 and less than 110 Fahrenheit. The data that we are querying from in MongoLab looks  like this in the...

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Using toArray in MongoDB

In Tutorials

In our last tutorial, we query mongodb for all states that starts with the letter “A”.  We were using cursors to retrieve and iterate though our records.  In this tutorial, we do...

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Using field projection MongoDB

In Tutorials

In our last tutorial which we continue from, we found all states starting with the letter A.  And we simply display the state names.  We actually did not need all the fields in record.  Field...

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Finding Records in MongoDB from NodeJS using Cursors

In Tutorials

In our last tutorial, we used findOne() to find a record in MongoDB (on MongoLabs) from NodeJS.  But what if there are more than one records to retrieve?  Using the same app code from last...

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