Tutorials on Web Development, Programming, and Web Design

How to Make a JQuery Carousel

In Tutorials

In this tutorial, we will make a JQuery carousel (also known as image slideshow) with prev and next button that loops back on itself.  Sure there are many JQuery carousel plugins out there which...

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jQuery alert notifications on web page

In Tutorials

In this tutorial, we will use jQuery plugin called “Noty” to display a notification on our web page whenever someone types into an input box.  Like this. We start with basic HTML that...

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jQuery Tables with sort and search

In Tutorials

In this tutorial, we will use DataTables.net (a jQuery plugin) to make a table with sort and search capabilities.  Demo here. We start with a normal HTML table.  But make sure to use the thead and...

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jQuery table pluging with sorting

In Articles

If you need to display tabular data and have all the bells and whistles like sorting columns, searching, and pagination, try DataTables.net.  Some more jQuery plugins are listed in this sitepoint...

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jQuery Tutorial: Animate scroll to anchor link

In Tutorials

In this tutorial, we are going to use jQuery to animate the scroll to an anchor link. You can see demo here.  And the full code by doing “view source” in the browser. Given that we have...

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Creating a Lightbox Popup Dialog with jQuery UI

In Tutorials

A lightbox is when user clicks on a photo to show an enlarged photo with the background dim.  In this tutorial, we will do similar, but instead of a photo, we create a lightbox popup dialog using...

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jQuery Ajax Example and Tutorial

In Tutorials

In this tutorial, we will show you an simple contrived example of a html page which makes an AJAX calls to a PHP server page to retrieve some data. View live demo. The page is going to look like this...

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Complete HandlebarsJS Example with JQuery

In Tutorials

In the previous tutorial (which you should read first, if you haven’t already), we showed a complete handlebarsJS example without any dependencies except for the single handlebars.js file....

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Why using attr to detect selected radio button appears to give wrong answer in j...

In Articles

Have you ever used attr method in jQuery and it seems to give the wrong answer?   The key word here is “seems”.   It actually does give the correct answer.  But our usage of it is...

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