Simple Example of ng-view in AngularJS

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When you are first trying to learn ng-view in AngularJS, you find a lot of examples on the web.  But they all look too complex.  That is because ng-view and AngularJS routes work together and they are indeed can be very complex.  We have to learn to walk before we can run.  So in this simple example, we try to keep it as simple as possible with the bare minimum of code needed.  Once you get this working and understand the basic concept, you can go back to those more complex tutorials on the web.

The page we are going to construct looks like this …

simple ng-view

simple ng-view example

When user clicks on the link “dogs”, it displays the content of the “dog.html” file in the ng-view.  When “cats” link is clicked, it displays “cat.html”.  See live demo here.

The “dog.html” file contains only this …

dog.html file

dog.html file

Similarly, here is the cat.html file …

cat.html file

cat.html file

And the entire index.html file looks like this…

complete HTML file

complete HTML file

Don’t worry, we explain this step by step.

But first you need these other files in the same directory as the index.html…

all the files needed

all the files needed

You get the angular.js (we are using 1.3.8 uncompressed version) from the Download button at…

uncompressed version

uncompressed version

You get the angular-route.js by clicking “Browse additional modules” in the download dialog shown above.  Get the same version of angular-route.min.js as your angular.min.js.

And that is all it takes to run this simple example.  Run in your browser to see if there are any script errors.

Step-by-Step Explanation of Simple ng-view Example

1. We start with a basic HTML page with the two links.  Put nothing for the href for now.

basic html file

basic html file

2.  Just before the closing </body> tag, add the reference to AngularJS library.  Followed by the AngularJS route module…

add reference to angularjs script

add reference to angularjs script

3. After that open another script block and set up our AngularJS module named “ViewExample”…

set up angularjs module

set up angularjs module

4.  In the body tag (shown above), we use the ng-app directive to reference the “ViewExample” module.  At this point you can run in your browser and should see no script errors in the browser console.

5. Our ViewModule will depend on the AngularJS ngRoute module, so we have to “inject” ngRoute into our module like this…

inject ngRoute into module

inject ngRoute into module

This is the reason why we had to include the angular-route.js file in our directory.   Note that ngRoute is placed within quotes and it has no preceding $.

6. To use ngRoute you have to call angular.config method.  We will chain this call after the angular.module call like this …

call angular config

call angular config

At this point you will get an angularjs script error because the config method requires you passing in a function.

7.  So let’s pass an anonymous function into config() …

pass function into config

pass function into config

This is going to fix our script error.

8.  This function is going to need something called a $routeProvider, which comes with the ngRoute modules.  That is why it is preceded with the $ in its name.  It is used for configuring routes.  So we pass $routeProvider into the function…

pass in routeProvider

pass in routeProvider

9.  This works (as long as you don’t minify your Javascript).  But we should do better to protect this $routeProvider name from being mangled should we ever minimize our Javascripts.  The standard practice is to use this notation …

to protect parameter names of our function

to protect parameter names of our function

Because config can take an array instead of a function.  And then it will use the parameters found in the array in the function that is found in the array.  The function should be the last element of the array.

10.  The way we use the $routeProvider is to use its “when” method and pass it a “path” (the first parameter) and a “route” (the second parameter) …

using the routeProvider

using the routeProvider

Here we have passed it the path of “/dogs”.  The second parameter route is an object with various properties, one of which is “templateUrl”.  The value that we will supply is “dog.html”.  That means that it will pull contents from dog.html whenever the route “/dogs” is hit.

11.  It happens that this path will be hit when an anchor href of the link is like this …

href of link

href of link

12. When you run this on your browser and click the “dogs” link, it will show the content of the dog.html file in the spot where ng-view directive is found.  We put the ng-view directive in a div like this…

ng-view in empty div

ng-view in empty div

13.  Try it now, it should work.  We do the same for the cats route by chaining an additional “when” clause …

adding the cats route

adding the cats route

14.  If you click on either links, it will now display the correct content.  Below shown is when we have just clicked the cats link…

when a route is clicked

when a route is clicked

See that it shows the contents of cat.html in the div where the ng-view directive was attached.   And there is no error in the console window.  Note the URL has /#/cats appended whenever the link is clicked.

15.  The only problem now is that when the user first brings up index.html page without clicking a link.  The div with ng-view is displaying nothing.  We can address this by adding an otherwise clause …

otherwise redirectTo

otherwise redirectTo

If none of the above paths match, it will redirect to the dogs path and display the contents of dog.html.

That’s it hope that was not too confusing.