React Memory Router Tutorial

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Continuing from previous React Router 5 tutorial, now we take a look a React’s memory router. Our list of routes remains the same … However, instead of importing BrowserRouter from...

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React Router SubRoute configuration example

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Continuing from previous example, let’s changes our “about” routes to be able to show “ContactComponent”, “CatsComponent”, and “DogsComponent”,...

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Tutorial on React Router 5

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In this tutorial, we start with create-react-app to create a new React app called “demo-routes” so that we can show you how React Router 5 works. Running the starter app, it has no...

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Javascript Closure Tutorial

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We will start this Javascript closure tutorial with an fairly common Javascript interview question (in this form or some variant of this form)… What is the output of the following...

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Many ways of formatting strings in Python

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There are so many ways of formatting strings i Python. For example… You can use formatted string… location = "New York"temperature = 76.22greeting = f"Temperature in {location} is...

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Tutorial on Python Lists

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A python list can hold multiple types … stuff = ['apple', 1, (22.7, 31.5)] It’s element can be accessed by index … stuff[2] Or you can get the index of an element by...

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Difference between Javascript and Python class

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In previous tutorials, we wrote a class in Javascript and in Python. Refer back to those tutorial codes and you will see that both uses the “class” keyword to define a class. In...

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Comparing Javascript with Python map and filter functions

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In previous tutorials, we showed you how to use the map and filter functions in both Javascript and Python. Lets compare the two popular languages. First there is the naming conventions. Javascript...

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Javascript map and filter functions

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Here is an example of a Javascript map function in action. It is a method of the array class, so we first have to create an array myList… let myList = [2, 4, 3, 7, 8];let doublesList =...

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