How to Create a Right-Click Menu using JQuery

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In this tutorial, we will create a right-click menu (better known as a context menu) that will come up when you right-click on the page …

final context menu

final context menu

For Mac, you would do Ctrl-Click, since Mac mouse have only one button.  Normally, when you right-click on a webpage you get the browser’s context menu.  But we are going to override that and show our own custom context menu instead.

While this can be done via Javascript, we are going to use jQuery because I can not remember all the cross-browser tricks I have to do to get the proper mouse position.

1.  We start with basic HTML5 page with some dummy text …

Start with basic page

Start with basic page

For the sake of simplicity, we placed the script and the styles within the same page.  In production environments, they are likely to be separate files.

2.  In our Javascript, we capture the contextmenu event which will give us the event e in our callback …

jQuery capture event

jQuery capture event

3. When we right-click on our page and trigger the contextmenu event, and console out the e, we see that it gives us pageX and pageY information on where the mouse was clicked in relation to the upper-left of the document …

pageX and pageY info

pageX and pageY info

4. This is where we will display our context menu by setting the left and top properties of our contextMenu and cancelling the default right-click action of the browser by calling e.preventDefault() …

position menu

position menu

5. Our context menu will be assigned an id of “contextMenu” and we use “css” jQuery method to set the left and top position based on e.pageX and e.pageY.  Remember to append the “px” suffix to these coordinates.

6.  Shown above (just above the closing body tag), our context menu consists of an “nav” element with an “ul” and “li” elements containing links.  In order to place this menu where ever we like, we need to position absolute this nav element in relation to the body element…

position absolute menu

position absolute menu

7.  We don’t want the menu to show unless a right-click occurs.  So we set display to none initially…

display none initally

display none initially

8.  And then show the menu when contextmenu event is triggered…

show upon contextmenu

show upon contextmenu

9.  When you render this in the browser and right-click you now have …

still need to style our menu

still need to style our menu

10. We need some styling on the menu like this …

styling for the menu

styling for the menu

11.  The one final thing is to let the user close the menu when they click outside of the menu.  So we have to capture the click event on the document …

hide menu when clicked outside

hide menu when clicked outside

But clicking on the links in the menu or in the document still works as usual.

12. The menu can go off the screen or otherwise positioned weirdly if the menu is open and user resizes the screen.  So we hide the menu upon screen resize as well…

hide upon window resize

hide upon window resize

Note that we attached the resize event to the window object instead of the document object.

13.  Now we got the final context menu …

final context menu

final context menu