How to Change the Subject Line in Gmail

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Let’s face it, not everyone writes a good subject line in emails.   Have you ever used gmail and wanted to change the subject line, but couldn’t figure out how?  Many people just give up and most people never would bother to change the subject line anyways.

In fact, email programs like gmail and Microsoft Outlook may prefer that you keep the email subject line unchanged so that they can group email threads together.

Nevertheless, there are legitimate reasons why one would need to change the subject line.  The first reason being that the subject line might not be a good one.  Another reason is when the subject of the email thread changes and a new subject line is needed.

Okay, enough chit chat.  Since many people have asked the question of how to change the subject line in gmail, here it is…

edit subject line in gmail

edit subject line in gmail

It is true that there are quite a few icons and button in the gmail interface.  Look for the one in the upper-left.  Click that to expand the popup menu and selected “Edit subject”.