Articles on Web Development, Programming, and Web Design

Does create-react-app uses Autoprefixer?

In Articles

Short answer: Yes, the React app created by the script create-react-app does use autoprefixer. Autoprefixing means that when you write a CSS rule such as … transition: all .5s; It will...

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Difference between Redux and Mobx

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I once asked the question of what is the differences between Redux and Mobx. The both provide state management for React apps. So I wrote a ToDo app using Redux and separately with Mobx.  You can...

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npm error cannot read property 0 of undefined

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I was trying to do an npm install and kept getting error saying something like “cannot read property 0 of undefined”. After some googling where I get many instances of “me...

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npm install fails with error code EPERM

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If you are trying to do “npm install” and get some weird permission error with code EPERM about “operation not permitted”, there could be a variety of reasons (as mentioned...

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Test your knowledge to show employers

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Few sites out there to let you test your coding skills and show your potential employer.  Or if you are employer, screen your candidates by testing them with...

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Angular gets 404 after refresh when using Path Location Strategy

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If you are using path location strategy for routes in Angular, you might notice that after refreshing a secondary page, you get a 404 error. This is because the path doesn’t really exist on the...

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New features in Javascript ES6

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This page lists some of the new features of the latest version of Javascript as of this writing in 2016.  It is the 6th edition of the ECMAScript Standard (known as ES6 or ECMAScript 2015).  It...

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What Template Engine to Use with Express?

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If I google … What is the best template engine for Express? What is the most popular templating engine for Express? etc I get very mixed results and seem to be more developer preference. That...

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Difference between htmlentities and htmlspecialchars in PHP

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What is the difference in htmlentities() and htmlspecialchars() function in PHP? htmlspecialchars() is a subset of htmlentities(). While htmlentities converts “all applicable characters to HTML...

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