Beginning Twig Templating Tutorial

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Twig is a PHP server-side templating engine.  Twig is being used in Drupal 8 and often used with Symfony 2.  We’ll learn to run Twig in this beginning tutorial.

1.  First download Twig from  While they want you to install Twig using Composer, you can download Twig from the link shown.

download twig

download twig

In this example, we are downloading Twig version 1.14.0.

2. You get a .tgz file (tarred-gzipped file), which you will have to uncompress and then untar.  On Windows, you can use 7-Zip.  Go into each of the extracted folder until you find the folder “Twig” that contains the Autoloader.php file.  This is the Twig folder we care about.  It is found inside the lib folder.

twig folder

twig folder

3. Put “Twig” folder in the root of your PHP application folder.   You need server running at least PHP 5.2.4 to run Twig.

4.  In your PHP application folder, create an index.php file right next to your Twig folder.

5.  Inside your index.php, include the Twig Autoloader.php file.  This includes the Twig library into your PHP app.  The autoloader will automatically load the other Twig files as needed so you don’t need to worry about including anything else.

require_once 'Twig/Autoloader.php';

6. If you look inside Autoloader.php, you will see that it contains the class Twig_Autoloader with a static class function “register” which takes one optional parameter.  So we call that to register our Twig autoloader.

require_once 'Twig/Autoloader.php';

7. Next we need to be able to load template files into Twig. Poking around in the Twig folder, we find a “Loader” folder which contains the file Filesystem.php.  This is for the class Twig_Loader_Filesystem whose constructor takes “A path or an array of paths where to look for templates” (this was from the code comments).  So let’s instantiate this Twig loader and pass it the path to our templates folder.

require_once 'Twig/Autoloader.php';
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('templates');

8. We’ll create a folder called “templates” to hold our templates.

9. Next we pass this loader into our Twig environment which we create by doing …

require_once 'Twig/Autoloader.php';
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('templates');
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader);

10. You see in Environment.php that the constructor of the class Twig_Environment takes an options array as its second argument.  One of its option is to set up the cache.  By default cache is disabled.  To turn on cache in a production system, do this instead …

require_once 'Twig/Autoloader.php';
$loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem('templates');
$twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array('cache' => 'cache') );

Note that on development environment, you might need to remove the cache in order to see changes whenever you change the template file.

11. That means we have to create a “cache” folder that is writable by the application (permission 755 will usually work).   Your file system should now look like this …

file system for twig

file system for twig

12. Now we are ready to start building our HTML page and using Twig.   Add the basic html5 page below our PHP in index.php …

twig page

twig page

13.  We are going to use a Twig template to display a “Hello” greeting.  Within our “templates” folder, create a file called greeting.phtml  (The phtml file extension indicates a template).  But you can use the HTML extension such as greeting.html if you like.

twig template file

twig template file

As you can see, this twig template file is just HTML but with a template variable interspersed.  The template variable “name” is denoted by double-curly braces (just like in handlebarsJS).

14.  We’ll have twig load this template …

twig load template

twig load template

15.  This will return to us a template class which we can call its display function to display the template into our HTML.  But first we have to feed our display function an array of parameters — one of which include our name variable…

complete twig example

complete twig example

16.  When rendered on our browser, you get …

twig template output

twig template output

Note that we did not need the echo statement here.  $template->display() takes care of that.



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